
Groupe Smile


In agreement with your management, we invite you to participate in the ChooseMyCompany - HappyIndex®AtWork survey.

By answering these questions directly and sincerely, you'll be helping your company to make further progress in managing its employees.

This survey is independent and totally anonymous. Your company cannot identify you, and will never have access to individual responses.
An anonymity threshold is set: only consolidated results are visible when at least 5 people share the same characteristics (department, gender, age, seniority, etc.).

So please answer according to your feelings and use the open questions to give your point of view!   

Thank you in advance for taking the 5-10 minutes to complete this questionnaire.

The ChooseMyCompany team

This survey is completely anonymous. Your personal answers will be masked and will remain strictly anonymous.  In accordance with CNIL / Data Protection Agency recommendations, answers to questions concerning gender identity and self-description as minority are optional, and the information gathered is processed within a legal framework for the sole purpose of producing consolidated statistics.  This information is rendered anonymous at the time of processing by ChooseMyCompany, which has taken all possible steps to eliminate any link between this data and other identifying data, making it impossible to use it for any other purposes.

Enter your authentication token below. (It can be your email, badge number ...)